Princess Cjb is caught by Heltion again! Her knights Little Sub and Little Potato are going to Heltion Kingdom to rescue her.Heltion Kingdom is composed of islands, numbered from to . There are bridges in the kingdom, among which the -th bridge connects the -th island and the -th island. The knights can go through each bridge in both directions.Landing separately on the -th and the -th island, the two knights start their journey heading to the -th island where the princess is imprisoned. However, as the knights are fat and the bridges are unstable, there will be a risk of breaking down the bridge and falling into the water if they go through one or more common bridges during their journey.Thus, to successfully bring back the princess, two paths \textbf{with no common bridges} are needed: one starts from the -th island and leads to the -th island, while the other starts from the -th island and also leads to the -th island.As the princess is caught very often, the knights will ask you for help times. Each time, given their starting islands and their goal, you need to tell them whether it's possible to find two paths satisfying the constraints above.
题意 用Tarjan求出所有的桥,缩点之后意识到整个图变成了一片森林(如果保证图联通就是一颗树),可以发现如果存在合理的路,终点所在的点一定在两个骑士的起点中间,类似 的情况,三角形是终点,当然三个点之间可以插入任意个点。